Thursday, September 23 from 7:00 – 8:00 PM
Not Pop in the 1960’s
The decade of the 1960’s was one of the most creative of the century for the visual arts. While Pop Art seemed easy to understand many other movements in the 1960’s seemed inaccessible to the public. The decade began with Minimalism and before long artists responded in a variety of directions including Conceptual, Performance, Op and Light Art. Before the decade came to a close Eccentric Abstraction, Earth and Process Art added to the formalist discussion while a new era of social conscious art brought Feminist art.
This lecture is hosted on Zoom & FB Live
Meeting ID: 834 9170 3470 | Passcode: 894874

Wed., October 27 from 7:00 – 8:00 PM
Over the past two years’ masks have become a part of our daily discourse. While protecting individuals from infection we have also noticed how the can obscure communication and identity. During this discussion, we will explore how masks and headdress performed other valuable functions in cultures once considered primitive or tribal. We will look at pieces from the Arctic, Africa, The Americas and Oceana. Attention will be paid to both formal qualities and the integral roles these objects played in their cultures.
This lecture is hosted on Zoom & FB Live
Meeting ID: 827 1528 0151 | Passcode: 240464

Thursday, November 18th from 7:00 – 8:00 PM
Greece- A Cross road of Ancient Civilization
Art making in the Mediterranean extends back to the Paleolithic. Recent excavations have uncovered many Neolithic communities in the Western Mediterranean. Greece lies in the center of this region. We will explore the art produced in Greece from the Neolithic period to the first European civilization at Knossos through the High Classical to its colonization by the Romans. We will see how the forms of Greece were at times influenced by its neighbors in the Near East and how they would ultimately inform the Renaissance and Neoclassical periods.
This lecture is hosted on Zoom & FB Live
Meeting ID: 819 2383 2717 | Passcode: 566764