PATCHWORKS 2020 @ MoCA L.I. | Annual juried members exhibition
Art is on the walls and we are re-opening!
The Patchogue Arts Council is pleased to announce the artists of Patchworks 2020.

Andrea Baatz Howard Beckerman Tom Benincase Darluv Blaurock Tina Folks Cynthia Fox Bryan Gutman Kathryn Hart Bea-Emilia Hogan Annmarie J Holness Lori Horowitz Kathryn Ko Frederick C. Lingen III Linda Louis Kyle Lynch Mike McLaughlin Paul Mele Robert Mielenhausen Lawrence M. Monat Linda Prentiss Andrea Rhude Patti Robinson Khurshid Saleem Laurie-Samara Schlageter Michael Sauer Bill Shillalies Lauren Skelly Bailey Robert Stenzel Rasa Valiene Pamela Waldroup
This exhibition is our annual juried exhibit for current Patchogue Arts Council members only. Artists were chosen from an open call and selected by our guest curator Mary Cantone, Owner and Director of the William Ris Gallery in Jamesport, NY.
The exhibition will run from July 11 to August 15, 2020, with a closing reception; details to be determined and announced in accordance with re-opening guidelines.
Mary Cantone | Owner and Director, William Ris Gallery in Jamesport, NY
Mary Cantone, is the owner and director of William Ris Gallery in Jamesport, NY. Mary’s career in designing interiors and space planning has included collaborating with artists and encouraging clients to enhance, with passion, the fine arts. A bonus to Cantone’s innate and nurtured abilities is her keen sensibilities for mixing mediums, styles, and colors.
In Mary’s words: “Art! It enhances my life. Art boosts my spirits, it inspires my thinking while mirroring and prompting my memories. I am committed to searching out styles ranging from uber-realistic to abstract expressionism, all of which excite and challenge my comfort zone. Art offers endless possibilities. Join me!”
Gallery Viewing Hours
Saturday | Sunday 1:00 – 3:00 PM & 4:00 – 5:00 PM
Limited capacity please read below.
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