Now on view at the Patchogue Theatre for the Performing Arts is a selection of reflection photographs by Carole J. Amodeo. In this series of work, the artist simulates the experience of strolling down a bustling city street, which captures not only storefront mannequins modeling elegant ballroom gowns, but also the sounds of traffic and various street scenes that are reflected off the stores’ windowpanes. Amodeo’s photography inspires the notion of consumerism, fashion, and the hustle of a metropolitan lifestyle.
The Artwork
One work in the exhibition, Come Up and See Me Sometime, is a stunning array of black, white and gray tones that capture the extravagancy of some New York City storefront displays. Behind the glass, the viewer finds an embellished mannequin dressed in black and white furs. Her down-casted eyes are decorated with heavily applied eye shadow and faux lashes, while blood-red lipstick adores her lips. These features stand out against the mannequin’s pale complexion and bleach-blonde wig that is tucked beneath her fur-line hat. On the figure’s left is a zebra that is raised on its hind legs. The zebra’s pelt, in addition to the various objects found on the left-hand side of the photograph, enhances the overall color scheme of the picture. Adding to the bizarre composition is a white lap dog that is situated in the saddle on the zebra’s back. The various poses and gestures of the figures lend Amodeo’s photograph a sense of motion and movement, as these visual elements lead the viewer’s eyes through the composition.

Another work in the exhibition, of similar subject matter, is Snow Queen. The photograph presents a lavishly dressed mannequin surrounded by several arctic animals. The feminine figure occupies the bottom, right-hand corner of the composition and is dressed in a white, fur gown and expensive jewelry. Like the mannequin in the previous work, she is heavily made up with dark eye shadow, faux eyelashes and red lipstick accentuating her facial features. The left-hand side of the composition contains several animal mannequins that are all places in various poses. The figure with the most dominating presence is, perhaps, the polar bear that stands erect, facing the viewer. Sitting on its left paw appears to be a monkey that is wearing a cape and below this grouping, in the bottom left corner, is a mountain goat. The final set of mannequins found in the picture is a fox, which rests its legs on the right hand of the female mannequin, and a snow owl. The figures are all placed in front of a snow-covered, mountain-scape background while skyscrapers reflect off the windowpane. Hanging above the figures is a beautiful glass chandelier, which enhances the overall decadence of the scene.

About the Artist
Carole J. Amodeo is a Patchogue-based artist who is drawn to the interpretation of light and the vibrancy of color in landscapes and cityscapes. She is a member of the Women Sharing Art, Inc., the South Bay Camera Club, and the Patchogue Arts Council. Her work has been published in The Photographer’s Edge, and the Patchogue Chamber of Commerce Magazine.
Reflections by Carole J. Amodeo is on display at the Patchogue Theatre for the Performing Arts now through May 25, 2017.