View the new mural now!
I contemplate the New Day, 2022 by Michael Krasowitz
About the mural concept:
How can the creative process become our teacher? What can we learn from the object we create,
about ourselves, about the world around us?
Is there a way for the creative process to show us knowledge that transcends our experience, and bring
us to a higher state of consciousness, revealing universal truths?
These are the questions I seek to address in the creation of my imagery. I seek to create a state of consciousness within myself which would allow imagery to become expressed which is free of my individual preconceptions. I wish to become a vessel for these archetypal truths which emerge from this experience.
I hope that the work functions as a doorway to the viewers experience…..that they find and navigate their own personal narratives and understandings from their experience with my work.
The title I have chosen is of a specific day and the idea of a new dawn of consciousness I feel is evolving in our culture. I am optimisitc that this new understanding of self will free us of the negative motivations that have driven our culture and we can now build a new and positive future.
About the artist:
Michael began his career as a photographer, exploring the physical world as a reflection of his internal search for self. This reflective motif has continued in his work, ranging from printmaking, painting, digital art, and ceramics.
He has created murals for his home and for a music school in Huntington, NY in 2016. He has exhibited his printmaking internationally and creates performance art pieces with his wife Wendi Weng.
Michael’s work is rooted in a search for a transcendent consciousness that subverts ego intention. He works with automatic drawing and other methods to subvert and sublimate the creative process to reveal artworks that open the viewer to revelatory perception.
As this process unfolds the artist and viewer experience the artwork as a vehicle for the merging of conscious and subconscious intent. If you have missed the chance to see this or past murals take shape you can visit the Patchogue Arts Council YouTube and to watch and listen to the artists who have been part of this community public art project!
Keep an eye out for events surronding this and many other projects by visiting www.PatchogueArts.org or following us on social media @PatchogueArts.
Stop by and take a selfie with the new mural and don’t forget to share it with @PatchogueArts and @PMLIB.
This project is made possible with support from: Patchogue Arts Council • Museum of Contemporary Art L.I., Patchogue – Medford Library, Friends of the Library, Brinkmann’s Hardware of Blue Point, Suffolk County, NYSCA, and the L.I. Community Foundation.

About the mural project
Is that a new mural? …
Art of Collaboration | Annual Themescape Mural Public Art Project
You may have noticed that mural behind the PMLIB keeps changing every year!
The Patchogue Arts Council (PAC) and Patchogue-Medford Library (PMLIB) have been collaborating since 2018 on an annual project called the Themescape Mural Project. The two organizations partner often to bring the arts to the community and are a prime example when it comes to the art of collaboration.
A new mural is commissioned every spring and is painted on the south side of the Patchogue Medford Library! The mural wall is one of the largest in the Village of Patchogue and faces Terry Street, officially zoned as Long Island’s newest Arts District.
An artist is chosen from an international call for proposals with a theme inspired by the Patchogue Arts Council festival season. The artist chosen is provided with a stipend and support to create the centerpiece of the arts festival season. Artists also give talks and workshops based on their mural theme and the community at large is encouraged to visit and watch the entire process unfold during the month of June.
“We are so proud to partner with the PMLIB for the fourth year to realize the annual thematic mural project. It is now more important than ever for the community at large to be able to look to the arts for relief, comfort, escape, and enjoyment. The mural project is a great example of how the arts play a vital role in our everyday human experience. As the world changes, businesses begin to re-open and new normals are defined, the arts will remain a pillar and a beacon of exemplary resilience. The Patchogue Arts Council is steadfast in continuing to serve the community and our mission. We are so grateful to the partnership and support the Patchogue-Medford Library continues to provide.” – Beth Giacummo, Patchogue Arts Council Executive Director.
The mural has become an exciting annual tradition that the community loves to watch take shape, and is another public art project the Village can boast. “The revitalization is fueled and fired by the arts here in the village. We are so happy to be able to work with the Patchogue Arts Council to foster our community interest in the arts. Through our collaborations with PAC we have been able to offer an elevated level of arts programming and experiences like the mural project and engage the community on a deeper level.” — Danielle Paisley, Patchogue-Medford Library, Executive Director.