OPEN CALL: “The Art of Creation”

image design by Katja Kovacs
About “The Art of Creation”:
“The Art of Creation” is an international exhibition which will be held from September 8 until October 21, 2018, at Patchogue Arts Gallery as a part of “E Pluribus Unum” Festival organized by the Patchogue Arts Council.
From prehistoric pottery, to gothic cathedrals, from ancient jewelry to medieval poetry, from French rationalist philosophy to rock music and contemporary fashion industry, mankind is constantly creating and making something new. The human urge to innovate is the subject of numerous essays, books, scientific articles and thesis. The title of the exhibition is derived from Arthur Koestler’s 1964 book, “The Act of Creation” where the author explored the processes of discovery, invention, imagination and creativity in humor, science and the arts. In a similar way, the curators of the present exhibition look to create a visual study on creation and creating by exploring all aspects of the act and art of making/creating, starting from the individuals as creators through the creative processes to the final results.
What we are looking for: “The Art of Creation” is open to poets, photographers, audio and visual artists who can submit their works in digital form which explore any aspect or all aspects of their personal creative process or creativity in general.
How to submit:
The submission must contain:
- Artwork:
- Digital artworks (photography, video, poster, photomontage, audio, etc.) should be sent via e-mail. The file has to be named following the scheme: lastname_firstname_titleoftheartwork_year. Photos must be in .jpg format 300 dpi resolution for printing in A2 format (16.5 x 23.4 inches). Posters must be adjusted for printing in A2 format. Videos must be in .mov or .avi format, max 2 min long and audio file sin mp3 format, 320 kbps).
- Literary works (short stories, poetry, spoken word, etc.): authors are asked to e-mail us typed works in pdf format (max 3 standard pages, 1500 characters per standard page) together with audio or video recording of them reading the piece (videos have to be in .mov or .avi format; audios have to be in mp3 format, 320 kbps). If the literary works are not in English, we kindly ask authors to send us both the original text and English translation. The files have to be named following the scheme: lastname_firstname_titleoftheartwork_year.
- Name, year and description / concept of the artwork (max 1/2 standard page)
- Artist’s CV (max one standard page of text (include, e-mail and phone number)
- Link to the artist’s website, social network profile etc.
Please send your submissions via e-mail on: [email protected] specify – Submission_ Art of Creation. Submissions must be received by July 20th 2018 at 11:59 pm.
Important note: submission cannot contain more than 3 artworks.
The call for entries starts on June 10th and ends on July 20th, 2018.
The exhibition will be curated by:
Bruna Justinić, independent curator
John Cino, sculptor and curator Patchogue Arts Council
List of selected works will be published on by August 10th, 2018.
Selected works will be exhibited at the Patchogue Arts Gallery from September 8th until October 21, 2018.
For further inquiries, please don’t hesitate to contact us at: [email protected]