Patchogue’s Outside the Box
Public Art Call for Proposals
Public Art with PAC is in search of proposals for a special project with the Village of Patchogue!
The Patchogue Arts Council is excited to announce a new opportunity for artists to submit work for a special PAC Public Art project with the Village of Patchogue.
This project calls for original designs inspired by local history! Artists are invited to submit designs created in traditional or digital mediums that will be printed and used to create art wraps. Literally outside of the box, this call for art will be used to cover the outside of 5 existing utility boxes that are located along Main Street Patchogue. The curatorial team is specifically seeking works reflecting, incorporating, and/or interpreting historical, and/or contemporary scenes of Patchogue.
Selected artists will need to convert final designs into one of the following file types PDF, .ai, .psd, TIFF or JPEG. All files must be a minimum of 120 dpi. Final designs will then be installed by a third-party vendor.
Selected artists will be paid a $600 stipend per design chosen. Artists can submit up to three (3) design proposals but only one award/ one design will be chosen per artist.
Submission Guidelines & Details
Submission Deadline | May 24
Artist Stipend for chosen works | $600
• Installation of art on electrical boxes starting late May/June at discretion of the Village
• Artist Stipend for chosen works will be paid 4 weeks after installation is complete
• Submissions only accepted via digital form
• Proposals should be uploaded as one pdf and should include the artwork proposed for all three sides of the utility box. Artists must review the template to guide their design.
Artist Eligibility
• Artist must be 18 years or older to apply
• Artist may submit up to three (3) design proposals but will only be chosen and awarded for one.
Artist Resources for historical references and content
It is not mandatory but highly recommended artists visit and utilize local resources for their submissions.
Patchogue – Medford Library
54-60 East Main Street
Patchogue, New York 11772
To request a local history room visit call: (631) 654-4700, ext. 240
Online resources | https://history.pmlib.org/ Call for art
Greater Patchogue Historical Society Museum
Located @ 160 West Main Street, Patchogue
Museum Hours | Fri-Sat 12:00-3:00 p.m.
Contact | [email protected]
Design Guidelines
• All artwork must be original and created by the artist(s) applying for this project
• Artwork must not contain:
◦ Political statements or persons
◦ Religious references, symbols, or numbers
◦ Copyrighted or trademarked material
◦ Corporate or organizational branding
◦ Offensive or obscene references or imagery
◦ Representation of traffic signals or signs
• Artists’ signatures are allowed on works.
• All artist information including social media handles will be placed by the design team. Please do not include them in your proposal. Artists will be asked to remove them before the proposal is considered.
• It is the responsibility of the artist to submit a complete application by the due date listed at the top of the application, as well as to include all required materials including an artist bio and statement. Your submission will not be reviewed if it is submitted incomplete.
• Artists will be responsible for working with PAC staff and the printer/installer of vinyl wraps to assist in adjusting all artwork, files, and necessary materials for printing and installation on the utility box designs.
• The artist retains the copyright of the artwork. In submitting a proposal the Patchogue Village and Patchogue Arts Council retain the right to use, publish, and print art for project purposes.
Other Considerations
The artist stipend of $600 is inclusive of all artist design fees, supplies, and time spent. Patchogue Arts Council staff must verify the completion of the artist agreement and completion of the project before funds are disbursed.
Given the public nature of this project no guarantee is issued for the location or longevity of display. The Village of Patchogue and acting visual arts consultant Patchogue Arts Council reserve the right to make adjustments to the finished piece to address installation challenges. Chosen artists will always be included and consulted when possible.
Artists submissions will be presented blind. Artists should not contact the Village of Patchogue in regard to this call for artwork. Contacting outside of this method may disqualify an artists submission. ALL questions should be subimtted via email ONLY to [email protected]
Please no calls.