The 2022 GLOW GUIDE is here!

MoCA L.I.ghts 2022 MAP HERE Download & Glow!

MoCA L.I.ghts 2022 will transform downtown Patchogue into L.I.’s only immersive, open-air museum with site-specific projected installations on both modern & historic architecture throughout the downtown to be viewed by the public at not cost on foot, by car, or live-streamed. Surrounding businesses will again become a vibrant backdrop to this unique arts experience, rejuvenating and illuminating the Village for spectators of all ages. The work of over 100 local, national, & international artists of varied career levels – emerging, mid-career, and well-established – will be presented through programs such as: Art on the Marquee (AoM), LIVE Experimentation Labs, ARTchitecture, Night Visions Projected Pop-Up Gallery (NVP), Themescape Activated, Garden of Sculpted deLights, Projection inspired performance, and educational opportunities for artists interested in learning how to work in digital processes. In partnership with Cornell Cooperative and the Pat-Med Library, there will also be contemporary art & local history walking tours as well as onsite family friendly educational programs that coincide with a number of the projection projects.
ARTCHITECTURE | October 13 – 16 from 6:00 PM – 11:00 PM each evening Site-specific projections will illuminate the facades of contemporary and historic architecture, including some of Patchogue’s most beloved buildings located throughout the Downtown.
1 | PAC • MoCA L.I. | 20 Terry Street Facade | Lights on MoCA L.I. Annabel Andrews, Anu Annam, Brittany McConnell, Colin MacDonagh, Detlef E. Aderhold, Diana Marsella, Eileen W. Palmer, Eve Hammer, Francisco Andres Gonzalez, Jack Pierce, Joan Kim Suzuki, Karen Lafleur, Khurshid Saleem, Lisa Petker Mintz, Lucy Boyd-Wilson Marlow Shami, Moriah Ray-Britt, Oksana Danziger, Sueey Gutierrez, Susan Huang, Tsaia Dawson, and William James Rudd
Side Museum Window | 20 Terry Street Screening GELI (Gift Edition Long Island), from MoCA L.I. permanent collection Conceived and produced by Tali Hinkis and Corinna Kirsch, (Melissa F. Clarke and Margaret Schedel), Cliff Baldwin. peter campus, Andrea Cote and Chris Jones, Jeremy Dennis. Kathleen J Graves, Candace Hill-Montgomery, Mikael Levin, LoVid, Mamoun Nukumanu, Han Qin, Lauren Ruiz, Carol Saft, Christine Sciulli, and Almond Zigmund
2 | Garden of Sculpted deLights with the Patchogue Garden Club | | October 13 – 16, 2022 PAC’s annual sculpture garden will be illuminated with projected color light, making for an entirely new viewing experience for visitors. Artists on view: Thea Lanzisero, and Michael Zographos
3 | United Methodist Church | Corner of South Ocean Avenue & Church Street Lepidoptera Psychedelia by Amanda Reilly (US) Inspired by the wild psychedelic illustrations culturally rooted within the 1960s, this rotoscope animation consists of over 120 individually hand drawn frames over recorded video clips of the artist herself. The animation features the figure with the head of a butterfly in a shaman-esque trance dance in altered states of consciousness. The hypnotizing color combinations rapidly flicker on screen to dazzle and mystify viewers.
4 | Historic Industrial Coverage Corp. | Corner of South Ocean Avenue & Church Street Infini by WillStall (US) When your world descends into a repetitive menagerie of chaos, do you even try to find order?
WillStall is a generative artist who specializes in shaders. With math as his paintbrush, Will creates unique worlds and is heavily inspired by impossible geometry, non-euclidean worlds, and light transport theory. This piece was written entirely in the GLSL coding language. No 2d or 3d software was used.
You can purchase his work on FND via:
Follow him on Instagram:
5 | Historic Carnegie Library | 160 West Main Street Paper Palazzo by Kelley Bell (US) Paper Palazzo transforms the stately facade of the historic Carnegie Library into a bustling collage of texts, illustrations, endpapers, and covers. This musical mashup of manuscripts celebrates New York Libraries, the books that they house and preserve, and the New Yorkers that write them. The patterns and textures are collected from the Patchogue-Medford Library itself, as well as from the digital collections of the New York Public Library and the artist’s own collection of ephemera and printed matter.
Thanks to Danielle Paisley, Laura Accardi, Gary Lutz, and The Entire Library Staff of The Patchogue-Medford Library for their contribution of images from the library stacks, and to the Friends of the Patchogue-Medford Library as well. An extra special thanks to the Hungry March Band (NY,NY) for their permission to use their song “Underground” as the score for this piece. Listen to their fantasic sounds at
6 | Bank of America | 47 W Main Street Metamorphosis by EVM ART (Ukraine) People are progressing and are in constant transformation of themselves and the world around them. This process sometimes happens through pain, sometimes through joy, but I want to believe that all this is for the best. So let’s make the world a more beautiful and better place!
EVM ART is a Ukrainian media artist now from Hannover, Germany creating digital art, projection mapping installation, interactive installations, performances, generative media art, and work with laser and light technology. EVM has won a number of international awards for his work in numerous light festivals in France, Japan, Berlin and Lille), Tokyo, Burning Man Festival in USA, China, Germany, New York and Miami Art Basel.
8 | U.S. Post Office | 70 E. Main Street Connected, Fungus Dream, Remember Sakura Sacred Tree, and Vivid Dreams by Minelauvart | Sefa Kocakalay (Turkey) There are some moments when you have a hard time explaining yourself. At these times words are insufficient. These are times you want to express what you feel. And here it is “AI.” I believe I denounce myself with 1 and 0 instead of using words. You may find something of yourself on this voyage. Just dream in an artificial way.
The visionary, psychedelic, surrealist, and abstract artworks that I create are made using current, different artificial intelligence technologies and inspired by my imagination.
Sefa Kocakalay, born in 1999, is a Jr. Data Scientist, Researcher and Generative artist based in Ismir, Turkey. He is passionate about learning, researching and self-development, and also curious about utilizing innovations and technologies to create works of art that create an entrancing experience for viewers.
Working toward a career in his main interest in traditional Machine/Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence, currently his research also includes Generative Adversarial Networks, VQGAN and Natural Language Processing.
9 | Main Pat-Med Library | 54 – 60 East Main Street Windows: PMLIB Interactive Aquarium by QuiverWall: See onsite staff to create your own fish to see added to the digital aquarium! See the first permanent projection window installed on L.I.! Inspired by the limitless possibilities of technology, the library will now be utilizing projection in their yearlong displays.
Wall: Main Pat-Med Library | 54 – 60 East Main Street Distributed Consciousness by Memo Atkins (Istanbul, Turkey) Distributed Consciousness is a multi-faceted work that spans themes of artificial intelligence, distributed computation, distributed cognition, evolution, phenomenology, ecological awareness, climate change, activism, and cephalopods.
Cephalopods are not only incredibly intelligent, their intelligence is extremely alien to us. Only 10% of their neurons are in a central brain, while the rest is distributed across their body, with two thirds in their arms. In a sense, they have a decentralized nervous system. “Distributed Consciousness” draws parallels between the distributed computation performed by smart-contract based blockchains, and the distributed cognition of cephalopods. The project also uses the extraordinary alien intelligence of cephalopods, to reflect on the new synthetic alien intelligences we are building in machines in the form of AI.
10 | Themescape 2022 Mural Animated | Roe Walkway – Southside of Pat-Med Library I contemplate the New Day, 2022 by Michael Krasowitz (US) Lucidity will take place Saturday, October 15, 2022, from 7:00 – 8:00 PM. This performance will feature dance by Wendi Weng & an operatic song by Danielle Davis

7 | Historic Patchogue Theatre for the Performing Arts | 71 East Main Street ART ON THE MARQUEE ®Curated by Beth GiacummoBonnie McLoughlin Stiegler, Christina Galbiati, Colin MacDonagh, Cynthia Beth RubinIsabella Fernanda, Jaime Bautista, Jennie Thwing, Joan Kim Suzuki, JoAnne Dumas, Karen Lafleur, Moriah Ray-Britt, Sage Cotignola, and Takafumi Ide
Additional screening dates: Oct 20, 21, 23 – 26, 28, 29, 31 | Nov 1, 3, 7-10, 13-17, 21, 22, 24, 28-30 Dec 3, 4, 6-8, 12-15, 19, 24 -26, 29, 30
Night Visions Gallery | October 13 – 16, 2022 An open air pop-up projected gallery will be placed in various locations throughout the Village of Patchogue, creating a unique art viewing experience for the community. Works included in this program will be curated from an international open call to artists working in all media, traditional and digital.
11 | NIGHT VISIONS GALLERY AT THE ROE WALKWAY PIAZZA Location: Roe Walkway Piazza, between Main Street & Terry Street located next to Toast Coffee House. Screening October 13 – 16, 2022 from 6:00 – 11:00 PM Each Evening
12 | NIGHT VISIONS GALLERY AT THE BETTER MAN DISTILLING CO. Location: 161 River Avenue October 13 – October 15 on view 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM October 16 on view 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM Don’t forget to order you’re the MoCA L.I.ghts special | Night Visions cocktail
Both locations will be screening;
ANYTHING GLOWS | PAC • MOCA L.I. OPEN CALL Alina Wilczynski, Amanda Reilly, Andrea Cote & Ann Robideaux, Andy Huang, Anu Annam, Asra Gharekhani, Bonnie McLoughlin, Brittany McConnell, C Bangs, Che Sabalja, Christina Galbiati, Dan Fusco, Diana Aliberti, Esther Marie Caponigro, Herbert Hernandez, Holly Hunt, James Slezak, Jenny Ink, Joan Kim Suzuki, Jody Zellen, Leslie Nobler, Michael Sauer, Moriah Ray-Britt, & Steven Soltysik
TECHSPRESSIONISTS Cheryl Audet-Lavoie, Colin Goldberg, Dan Welden, Deann Stein Hasinoff, Jaime Bautista, Jan Swinburne, Karen LaFleur, Kathleen Dobrowsky, Malavika Mandal Andrew, Marlow Shami, Nina Sobell, Renata Janiszewska, Robert Ripps, Steve Miller, & Tommy Mintz
Learn more about Techspressionists HERE
FROM DARKNESS TO THE LIGHT | POLAND Curated by Justyna Warwas & Bartosz Fraczek, Anna Wojcik, Anna Wysocka, Artur Wawrzkiewicz, Bartlomiej BEBE Fraczek, Bartosz Fraczek, Beata Bebel, Jakub Jakubowski, Jaroslaw Kweclich, Justyna Warwas, Magdalena Kulesza-Fedkowicz, Mateusz Pawełczyk, Olga Pałka-Ślaska, Sławomir Toman, Witold Stelmachniewicz, & Wlodek Karan
ENCOUNTERS | NORWAY Curated by Ida Siebke | Frantzsen & M. Janger, Ida Siebke, Kim Hankyul, Kjersti Austdal, Lena Walton Herfindal, Lisa Rytterlund, & Renate D. Dahl
Offered in collaboration with the Patchogue-Medford Library, Cornell Cooperative Eastern Suffolk Extension, Vanderbilt Museum & Planetarium, & Tesla Science Center at Wardenclyffe. These on-site educational opportunities advocate for and educate viewers of all ages about science and art, complimenting various artworks on view throughout MoCA L.I.ghts 2022.
Visit them under the Patchogue Theatre Marquee or in front of the Patchogue Medford Library!
Friday, October 14 from 6:00 – 9:00 PM & Sunday, October 16 from 5:30 – 7:00 PM Deep Sea Touch Table | Live Animals Sea Explorers Marine Camp @ the Sport Fishing Education Center Discover some of the creatures that live way down deep! Compare (and touch) these deep-sea friends and some of their near shore cousins.
Friday, October 14 from 5:00 – 9:00 PM Cornell Marine Program Fisheries Department Our Fisheries expert will be on site to talk about F.I.S.H. – Fresh, Indigenous, Sustainable, Healthy and some of the other exciting projects they are working on.
Saturday, October 15 from 5:30 – 7:00 PM Sea Creature Touch Tank | Live Animals Sea Explorers Marine Camp @ the Sport Fishing Education Center Shellfish, hermit crabs, and snails…Oh my! Come explore and touch some of our local sea creatures that you can find at the beach! www. | | /marine
Saturday, October 15 from 6:00 – 9:00 PM Vanderbilt Museum & Planetarium The Suffolk County Vanderbilt Museum, located in Centerport, is a unique combination of mansion, museum, park, and planetarium dedicated to the education and enjoyment of the people of Long Island and beyond. At this year’s MoCA LIghts, a Vanderbilt astronomy educator will be providing a telescope (weather permitting) for the public to look through to see the planets Jupiter and Saturn. We will also be projecting spectacular images of planets and the Universe!
Tesla Science Center at Wardenclyffe Explore electrifying exhibits from the Tesla Science Center at Wardenclyffe! Get hands-on with electromagnetic models, play with lightning machines and Tesla coils, make music on a theremin, and learn more about inventor Nikola Tesla and his laboratory.

MoCA L.I.ghts has become a large part of Patchogue Arts Council • Museum of Contemporary Art L.I.’s proven history of high caliber and impactful programming that has been awarded competitive funding from the NYS Council on the Arts, Suffolk County Cultural Affairs, Long Island Community Foundation, and the Knapp Swezey Foundation. With events like this that bring the arts to the forefront of the community, we are proud to be considered a leader amongL.I. arts organizations and advocacy groups that stand as an economic driver in New York. Now that MoCA L.I.ghts has become an annual event, we look forward to building a legacy of innovation and seeing the limitless impacts the arts can have on the Village of Patchogue and its visitors from near and far.
This is all made possible by our partnership with the Greater Patchogue Chamber ofCommerce and other collaborators including: the Village of Patchogue, Patchogue BID, Patchogue Theatre for the Performing Arts, and educational collaborators Eastern Suffolk BOCES Arts in Education, Pat-Med Library, and Cornell Cooperative Suffolk County & Marine Department. With help from all these organizations, PAC will be able to continue contributing culturally, educationally, and economically to its surrounding area.
MoCA L.I.ghts has been praised as the most exciting experience with the arts one could have. We are still glowing from the community engagement we experienced in 2020 and 2021; it wasunlike anything we have seen before. MOCA L.I.ghts 2022 will again transform the entire village into a public arts destination unlike any other and the best part is it will be accessible to all members of the community.
Help keep MoCA L.I.ghts Glowin’, consider a donation so we can continue this signature event. Your donation means that we can continue to support artists in the work they create, inspire people to express themselves in new ways and continue strengthening our creative community of Long Island.
Thank you for you support!
Glowingly, Beth Giacummo (PAC • MoCA L.I. Executive Director & MoCA L.I.ghts Chair)