Read more about Themescape Mural 2021 by Caitlyn Shea HERE
THE WALL | Patchogue Arts Council, in collaboration with the Patchogue- Medford Library, is pleased to announce it is accepting submissions from muralists to exhibit a temporary mural on the rear of the Patchogue-Medford Library. The mural will be inspired by this year’s festival season theme Anything Goes 2022. The mural will be located in a highly visible location on the rear of the Patchogue- Medford Library and will serve as the backdrop to many community activities throughout 2022. Prior experience creating a mural is required. A stipend of $2000 will be awarded to assist in the planning, design, and execution of the mural. The mural should be inspired by the spirit of the theme Anything Goes 2022.
LA PARED | Patchogue Arts Council, en colaboración con la Biblioteca de Patchogue-Medford, se complace en anunciar que esta aceptando propuestas de muralistas para diseñar un mural temporal en la parte de atrás de la Biblioteca de Patchogue-Medford. El mural estará inspirado en el tema de la temporada de festivales de este año Anything Goes (Todo se Vale) 2022. El mural se ubicará en un lugar muy visible en la parte trasera de la Biblioteca Patchogue-Medford y servirá como telón de fondo para muchas actividades comunitarias a lo largo de 2022. Se requiere experiencia previa en la creación de un mural. Se otorgará un compensación de $2000 para ayudar en la planificación, diseño y ejecución del mural. El mural debe estar inspirado en el espíritu del tema Anything Goes 2022.