Patchogue Arts Council presents:
Ratgrrl’s Vendor Circus On Main @ Summer Sundown Festival
Thursday nights from 5:00 – 9:30PM, July 22, August 5, August 19 (Rain Date Aug. 26) Held on Main Street in Patchogue.

Patchogue Arts Council presents Ratgrrl’s Vendor Circus – a curated arts vendor event during Sundown Festival: A family friendly event on the original Alive After 5 dates.
PAC Ratgrrl Vendor Circus will be a part of Patchogue’s main summer event: the Sundown Festival on Main Street. We will be taking over a section of Main Street with a section of curated vendors, live painting and family friendly arts experiences.
Restaurants will be offering outdoor dining. Live music and family friendly activities will be taking place from East to West Main Street. Shop for one-of a kind gifts and get an early start on all your yearly gift giving needs while finding some treats for yourself too!
Do you want to be a part of Ratgrrl’s Vendor Circus?
We are interested in vendors who will also help promote the event on their various social media outlets. You will be included in all press once your vendor space is confirmed.
Interested vendors please follow the guidelines below.
The Patchogue Arts Council will curate vendors from submitted applications. The outdoor space per vendor is a standard 10’ x 10′. (Table, tent, and ALL materials are to be provided by vendor. No electricity is provided. Vendors are encouraged to bring battery-operated lighting and/or plan accordingly).
If selected, a vendor fee of $75 per date, due by July 1, 2021. Send your submissions to [email protected]
Please include the following:
• Individual Name
• Vendor/ Company Name
• Vendor Booth Description: Fine Art / Craft / Wearable / Jewelry or other (please describe)
• Artist bio and or statement about your works. This will be used for publicity.
• Address
• Phone
• Website
• Facebook / Twitter / Instagram
• 3-5 jpegs featuring your wares.- read guidelines below for details
Submission Details & Guidelines June 24, 2021: Submission Deadline Email submissions to [email protected]
Subject line should include: RatgrrlVendorCircus_VendorName Submissions must include 3 – 5 jpg images of products to be sold at the event. Please use images that clearly exhibit your products. If selected, we will use these images for promotion of the event.
Submissions must include a bio and or artist statement to be used for promotional materials.
All files should be labeled with the artist’s name and number of image. Ex: Yourname_1.jpg On or before June 26, 2021: Notifications of Selection
All vendors will be notified of selection by email only. (please do not call the office; submissions are handled via email only)
July 1, 2021: All vendor fees are due by July 1, 2021. Selected vendors will pay a fee of $75 per 10’ space, per date. Please indicate which date(s) you prefer. Cash or checks must be payable to The Patchogue Arts Council, Inc.
If a selected vendor fee is not received by July 1, 2021, the space may be released to a new vendor at the discretion of PAC.
Other Notes: Please note selected vendors will need to supply all necessary materials and supplies for their spaces. This includes a table, table cloth, lighting and all display related materials. Please note there is no wall space available. No electricity is provided so please come prepared with battery-operated lighting and/or plan accordingly. Vendors are welcome to bring an easel to set up behind their allotted spaces. No easels or displays can exceed the table width.
Selected vendors must be available to set up their spaces between 3:30 – 4:30 PM on each festival date.
Please email [email protected] for any other questions.
Please help us continue to provide free programming and artist resources like the above!