Museum of Contemporary Arts Long Island, or MoCA LI, is the newly defined exhibition space of the Patchogue Arts Council (PAC). For many, this may seem like a simple name change. Museums and galleries both exhibit art. But, they do so with very different goals.

Why redefine PAC’s exhibition space?
Redefining PAC’s exhibition space from a gallery to a museum will exponentially increase opportunities for the community and artists we serve.
PAC has always been unconventional in comparison to other arts councils. Our main areas of focus are to make current and contemporary art accessible to everyone and to serve artists across Long Island. We are striving to create inclusiveness in all of our opportunities, particularly for Long Island’s Spanish-speaking communities. Through our exhibition programming, we support, promote, and encourage early, mid-career, and established artists that work in all media and all walks of life.
The caliber of career-enriching opportunities that we provide to Long Island-based artists was previously unheard of in Suffolk or Nassau County. We don’t charge artists to submit or participate. Rather, we give stipends to exhibiting artists to help cover the costs associated with the creation of new work.
PAC’s opportunities for artists’ career development is contrary to traditional arts councils’ operations.
PAC’s Gallery has credibility as a space that presents high-caliber exhibitions locally on Long Island.
We provide viewing of world-class art on Long Island. Museum classification heightens featured artists’ exposure, attracts expert guest curators, and opens the door to borrow world-class works of art from established museums, galleries, and private collections to exhibit them in Patchogue. It also makes new foundation and grants funding available.
Why Museum?
Museums are meeting and gathering places for everyone, of all ages and backgrounds. People come together to explore thoughts and experiences that may or may not be like their own. They create inclusive cultural programming and strengthen the cultural fabric of the community.
Museums are a place to enjoy the benefits of art; to be inspired to create, to learn, or to experience. PAC’s gallery has always served this purpose for the community.
A gallery may or may not be member-based or cooperative, they are often commercial, and their goal is to sell art. They are not always approachable to view and explore Contemporary art.
Selling art has never been PAC Gallery’s focus. Its intention has always been to make art accessible.
Successful galleries serve a significant role in pairing collectors with art which then provides artists an opportunity to make a living through their sales. Galleries look to an artist’s history to decide if they will represent them. Museum exhibition by the artist is often a determining factor. MoCA LI will provide significant museum exhibition opportunities to artists helping them gain professional representation.
Museums encourage wandering with no expectations in mind. The environment embraces curiosity, thoughts, and exploration. They seek to inspire and cultivate a general love for the arts through thematically related programming and educational opportunities for both artists and community members.
Museums collect works of art, preserve them, and share them with the community. They provide educational opportunities surrounding their collections. MoCA LI will collect works. Collections are essential to preserving Long Island’s culture.
Museum classification for PAC’s exhibition provides the community:
- Artist / Curators receive heightened career-enriching opportunities
- Enhanced borrowing from established museums, galleries, and private collections for Patchogue exhibition
- Expanded educational opportunities for artists and community members
- Development of inclusive and bilingual programming that weaves the cultural fabric of Long Island
- Preservation of Long Island’s culture through collecting, maintaining, and exhibiting works of art
- Expanded programming due to new funding opportunities that become available for the Patchogue Arts Council
- Endless growth possibilities
MoCA LI is a museum for artists and community, created by artists of the community. It will continue to serve the community and strengthen the cultural fabric of Long Island. The opportunity for MoCA LI’s growth is endless.