Learning to Look | Ekphrastic Poetry
Special guest • Edward Schmieder
February 21 from 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM
“Ekphrasis* is a practice in which a work of art inspires a piece of poetry or prose. Examples include “Ode on a Grecian Urn” by John Keats, and William Carlos Williams’ “Landscape with the Fall of Icarus” (Pieter Bruegel). Join PAC MoCA curator John Cino and English educator Edward Schmieder (MPhil Literature) for a look at select artworks and the poems they have prompted. Together we will experience this intersection of art and language. Aspiring poets may find this approach a powerful tool for composition.
This event is offered as a hybrid.
In person: MoCA L.I. @ 20 Terry Street, Patchogue
Join via Zoom: Meeting ID: 880 1524 8901 | Passcode: 419010
Offered in partnership with the Patchogue Medford Library