Please rate each photo. 1-10 for each category: Composition, (framing, cropping), Technical (exposure, focus, contrast) and Creative (overall wow factor, fulfillment of assignment). Each photo should have 5 numbers: 1) photo #, 1-10; 2) Composition, 1-10; 3) Technical 1-10; 4) Creative 1-10; 5) totals 3-30. Please limit votes to 5 digits plus dashes. Example: 8-7-4-10-21 Send votes to
Summer Heat Totals
1 108 in the shade 263 points H28 L21
2 Beating the Heat 265 points H28 L21
3 It’s So Hot That…. 275 points H27 L22 4th place
4 Running on Empty 281 points H28 L24 1st place winner Jeff Macholz
5 Summer Heat Water Relief 276 H29 L22 3rd place
6 SumRheat – eek I’m fried 277 points H30 L20 2nd place
7 Sun Blister 268 points H29 L20
8 Suns Out Tongues Out 267 points H28 L20
9 Super Hot Beach Day – Just Me and the Bird 263 points H27 L21
10 The Best Sunsets are in your Back Yard 274 points H30 L20 5th place