April Showers 250 points H25 L14
Art Up High 326 points H28 L22 4th place tie
Bending the Rules 326 points H29 L21 4th place tie
Chandelier 316 points H28 L21
Dog Gaze 296 points H27 L15
Friday Night Lights 317 points H30 L20
In Plane View 344 points H30 L23 1st place
Looking Up at the Moons 290 points H30 L18
Morning Walk 322 points H29 L20
Petal Dweller 297 points H28 L17
Petal Profiles 283 points H25 L15
Spring Renewal 329 points H28 L21 3rd place
Up 334 points H30 L19 2nd place