Annual Giving Campaign

PAC to the Future Lighting pathways for creativity and communities of Patchogue and beyond!
See what supporters like you have helped us achieve this year. With deep gratitude, we share some of them with you.
We collaborated with more organizations and businesses from across Long Island than we ever have before. The collective impact from all our programming, collaborators, partnerships, artists, elected officials, colleges, and schools means that over 950,000 community members of all ages and backgrounds from across L.I. have been given access to free and impactful arts experiences in 2022. This includes the 1,000’s of people that are met with art when visiting Patchogue during one of our signature events like MoCA L.I.ghts – an open air museum concept. Annual events such as Arts on Terry and Rat Grrl Vendor Circus continued to grow too! We are excited to have revived our literary commitment with an inaugural Bloomsday event in June, and a LIT Learning series marking a return to support the spoken and written word. Jam for the Museum and various other events provided local L.I. musicians with an opportunity to perform, too. Through them, we’ve created expanding platforms for arts, artists, and community organizations to present themselves to a growing audience offering both us and them expanded community awareness and membership growth.
PAC • MoCA helped artists cross barriers and traverse the difficult landscape of an art-life in more ways than ever too! Endeavors such as MAD LI – MoCA L.I. Arts Development (a professional development program to coach artists and arts administrators on earning a living and developing careers) combine the goals previously met by Slide Slam and PAC Chats (Professional Artist Chats). By curating more exhibitions focused on the works of underrepresented artists, PAC has enhanced opportunities and platforms for artistic voices. Our current solo exhibition is another instance of our progress; it features the work of critically acclaimed artist Tobi Kahn and features PAC’s first published exhibition catalog – a significant moment in our exhibition history. PAC • MoCA has continued to provide all of the above and at no cost to the public and no financial barrier to the artists. Advocating by example for the payment of art workers continues to be at the heart of our service.
Our greatest educational initiative began this year with the launch of a five-year project entitled Partners in Education, Arts, and Community Empowerment (PEACE). With the support of the U.S. Department of Education, we have begun connecting dozens of artists and educators while building teams and providing them with professional development to bring the arts into curriculum across disciplines – energizing instruction as well as enhancing college, career, and civic readiness. A unique and important aspect of this program is the data we collect; substantiating and proving how the arts impact learning. This data, shared nationally (potentially internationally), will become useful to any arts in education programs, teaching artists, educators, administrators and other organizations working in our schools! Our impact now extends into classrooms, cultural organizations, and more communities across Long Island, helping educators illuminate learning environments that stimulate creative thinking and support countless students’ abilities and voices. PEACE also provides funding for underrepresented students, teachers, and teaching artists to create new bridges in this ever-changing educational landscape.
Your support helps ensure our luminous work continues: whether we are literally lighting up Patchogue with MoCA Lights, spotlighting new and established artists, or educationally enriching schools’ art and academic programs.
For 2023, we are gearing up to celebrate our 15th anniversary. Look at all that we have accomplished in that time and imagine the possibilities for the next 15 with PAC • MoCA’s continued presence and growth. Your donation in any amount is meaningful, even as little as $5 per month will help us continue our ongoing work and light new pathways to our future.
When you decide to donate to PAC, 100% of your donation is immediately put into action and is tax deductible.
Become an Arts Cultivator and pledge your monthly donation as a sustaining member or make a one time donation by visiting our site and choosing the option that is meaningful to you.
OR by check
Please make checks payable to Patchogue Arts Council Inc.
And mail to: 20 Terry Street, Patchogue NY 11772
Arts Cultivator 2022 Monthly Pledge of $25 + will automatically become a member, receive a copy of our first professionally published catalog for our current MoCA L.I. exhibition ELEMENTAL : A Decade of Painting by Tobi Kahn. Special invitations to events, lectures, member only opportunities throughout the year, and discounted tickets for events. PLUS two tickets to a special evening in the gallery to enjoy the current exhibition with live music, wine, and lite bites. DATE TBA January 2023
One time Donations of $100+ more will automatically become a member and will receive a copy of our first professionally published catalog for or current MoCA L.I. exhibition. ELEMENTAL : A Decade of Painting by Tobi Kahn.
One time Donations of $250+ will receive the above signed by the artist, PLUS one ticket to a special evening in the gallery to enjoy the current exhibition with live music, wine, and lite bites. DATE TBA January 2023