MoCA L.I.ghts… paint the town technicolor
piebald spotlighting Patchogue a disco tiedye Illuminate your nature Artists – projecting – our issues & triumphs The mundane becomes miracle museum
The Village turned vibrant vistas
Whenever the community comes together it g l o w s Art in the open air for all
As life is, has been, and is meant for the wattage of inspiration Amped up to the brightness of love
A MoCA L.I.ghts inspired poem by Bruce “allone” Pandolfo

MoCA L.I.ghts is back for its 5th year! Long Island’s first and only light projection festival is marking half a decade of innovation and wonder; and we’re celebrating by kicking things up a notch once again. Featuring exciting new additions, expansions, and more, MoCA L.I.ghts V 2024 invites you to be part of our luminous journey towards our next milestone, glowing brighter than ever before.
MoCA L.I.ghts has become such an integral part
of Patchogue Arts Council’s annual programming
as well as one of Patchogue Village’s signature events. Attracting thousands of people to the Village and featuring the work of 150+ local, national,
and international artists over the last four years,
this event has become the most widely attended program our organization has ever produced. Events of this nature and size are then uniquely poised to bring valuable foot-traffic to local businesses in the area. According to studies, attendees of arts and culture events such as MoCA L.I.ghts spend $37.31
per person per event on other activities like dining, parking or public transportation, dessert, and more. Still growing year after year, we expect 2024 to be our biggest and best yet for our organization, the artists, and the Village as a whole.
We are thrilled to announce that MoCA L.I.ghts V 2024 will now join the selective list of prestigious events featured in the International Light Festivals Organisation, a worldwide network of public light festivals, events, and experts with the purpose of sharing expertise, inspiration, and information on an international level – creating a platform for co-production, research, and communication. This opportunity opens doors not only for PAC and MoCA L.I.ghts but its participating artists as well.

Additionally, 2024 will see entirely new additions to the festival! To celebrate its 5
year anniversary, MoCA L.I.ghts will present Glow Back, a special exhibition of every
projection from past years – creating an opportunity for past artists and attendees to
revisit their favorites from the festival since year one. 2024 will also see the launch of
Garden of DeLight, a new site-specific projection highlighting the unique elements of
the Sculpture Garden’s architecture.
Other exciting ventures this year include an additional location of Art on the Marquee in
Riverhead at The Suffolk; live performances; expansion of Interactive Projection Art Light
Painting; nightly walking tours; and the launch of a MoCA L.I.ghts dedicated website.
We are enormously proud to be collaborating again with unwavering partners like
Greater Patchogue Chamber of Commerce, the Village of Patchogue, Patchogue BID,
Patchogue Theatre for the Performing Arts, Pat-Med Library, and Cornell Cooperative
Suffolk County & Marine Department, and more.
Since the switch was flipped five years ago in 2020 during the Covid-19 pandemic,
MoCA L.I.ghts has brought light to some of our darkest moments, captivating the eyes,
hearts, and minds of hundreds of thousands of people. We sincerely hope
that you will consider joining us on this venture as we enliven our Downtown
with the arts once again. Together, we can continue a legacy of illuminated
limitless innovation in our Village for all to enjoy near and far.