Patchogue Arts Council & Toast Coffeehouse present Ratgrrl’s Vendor Circus Holiday Art Market Friday, November 29 from 6:00 PM – 12:00 Midnight Held at Toast Coffeehouse @ 46 West Main St.
Join the Patchogue Arts Council for an alternative Black Friday shopping experience. Gather your friends and family, come stroll through our unique selection of art vendors, take a polaroid with our very own hipster Santa, indulge in our cash bar and bites by Toast, and support the arts on L.I. while shopping local and handmade! This event is curated by Ratgrrl & Patchogue Arts Council.
Long Island’s most curious vendors will set up for this unique event throughout the entire space! With room for 25+ vendors, guests will find illustrators, printmakers, painters, handmade jewelry, artisan foods, artist merch, pottery, sculpture, vintage wares, wearables, curiosities, and more. The event will feature our very own hipster Santa photo op, live music, live painting, and a cash bar and bites, all under the roof of Toast Coffeehouse in downtown Patchogue Village!
Shop for one-of a kind gifts and get an early start on all your yearly gift giving needs while finding some treats for yourself too!
Do you want to be a part of Ratgrrl’s Vendor Circus? VENDOR APPLICATION We are interested in vendors who will also help promote the event on their various social media outlets. We will be highlighting each vendor with a solo post, and you will be included in all press once your vendor space is confirmed.
Ratgrrl’s Vendor Circus Holiday Art Market Friday, November 29 from 6:00 PM – 12:00 Midnight Held at Toast Coffeehouse @ 46 West Main St.
Interested vendors please follow the guidelines below. The Patchogue Arts Council will curate 25+ vendors from submitted applications. The space per vendor is approximately 6’
This space is different than past Vendor Circus events and we will be utilizing all the booths and tables that are already in place. After we confirm your participation we will give a couple of choices of spaces and setups! This may mean you do not need to bring your own tables and chairs. Choices will be given first come first served AFTER a vendor has been accepted.
If selected, a vendor fee of $100 will be due by November 18, 2019. Send your submissions to [email protected] Please include the following:
- Individual Name
- Vendor/ Company Name
- Vendor Booth Description: Fine Art / Craft / Wearable / Jewelry or other
- (please describe)
- Artist bio and/or statement about your works. This will be used for publicity.
- Address
- Phone
- Website
- Facebook / Twitter / Instagram
- 3-5 jpegs featuring your wares.- read guidelines below for details
Submission Details & Guidelines November 11, 2019: Submission Deadline Email submissions to [email protected] Subject line should include: RatgrrlVendorCircus_VendorName
Submissions must include 3 – 5 jpg images of products to be sold at the event. Please use images that clearly exhibit your products. If selected we will use these images for promotion of the event.
Submissions must include a bio and or artist statement to be used for promotional materials.
All files should be labeled with the artist’s name and number of image. Ex: Yourname_1.jpg
On or before November 12, 2019: Notifications of Selection All vendors will be notified of selection by email only. (please do not call the offices of any organizations included on the above materials; submissions are handled via email only)
November 18, 2019 All vendor fees are due by November 18, 2019. Selected vendors will pay a fee of $100 per space. Cash or checks must be payable to The Patchogue Arts Council, Inc. A PayPal link will be made available ( $5 fee is added for online payments)
If a selected vendor fee is not received by November 18, 2019, the space may be released to a new vendor at the discretion of PAC.
Other Notes: Please note selected vendors will need to supply all necessary materials and supplies for their spaces. This includes a table, table cloth, lighting and all display related materials. Please note there is no wall space available. Parts of the venue are darker than others and we can not guarantee placement so please come prepared with some lighting and an extension cord for your booth. Vendors are welcome to bring an easel to set up behind their allotted spaces. No easels or displays can exceed the table width.
Selected vendors must be available to set up their spaces between Friday, November 29 from 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Please email [email protected] for any other questions.